Suggested Daily Schedule for Primary
We have prepared guidelines below that we hope you will read carefully and that will continue to support your child’s Montessori experience in your home.
Early Morning: Set up and clean up breakfast, load dishwasher. Basic chores: collect dirty clothes, sort laundry, help load washing machine. Prepare morning snack (place in accessible area to be eaten later), clean up. |
Mid-Morning: Uninterrupted work cycle. Children should engage in activities to practice skills for practical life, sensorial work, language, or math. |
Lunch: Prepare (set up, clean up) lunch. Quiet Time: this may include nap, reading books, handwork, reflective time. No screen time. |
Afternoon: Afternoon work time. Include time for care of the environment and preparation for the next day’s work. |
It is important to continue toilet independence during this time at home. The teachers will be in touch with you to help guide you with each child’s toileting pattern.