Let's get specific.

Here, you'll find stories that showcase the work of our students in order to give readers a peek into the goals, rationale, and often giddy excitement teachers bring to their classes.

Solve This: What Should Math Look Like for Teens?

Learning algebra (and higher math generally) can feel as inevitable, and perhaps as dreaded, as death and taxes. Recalling your own experiences, you may wonder: How will my child endure this crucible? Will they be Okay? Or will this experience crush their spirits?

Journey Back to Armenia: A Legacy of Discovery and Connection

Sometimes a class project isn’t a class project; it’s the spark that burns for a lifetime.

Baking for a Cause: One Student’s Passion Story

At this point, I’ve made the Hershey’s chocolate cake recipe more times than I can count…

A Trip Out and a Trip In: Student Photo Essay

The last MMS Junior High trip of this year was to Mt. Diablo State Park…

Grit Under Pressure: A Montessorian at Mathletes

Math anxiety was already a hot topic 25 years ago when I was a student…

How to Catch the Spark of Curiosity and Build a Fire: Lessons from Elephant Seals

Early childhood years are all about curiosity…

Why Hands-On Projects Matter: A Student’s Perspective

In an era where almost everything people do is online…

The Healthy Kind of Disconnection: The Odyssey Trip

Teenagers are greatly misunderstood in our culture for a whole host of reasons…

A Fawn, Some Vultures, and Enduring Learning

Dr. Montessori actually had a lot to say about vultures…