Let's get specific.

Here, you'll find stories that showcase the work of our students in order to give readers a peek into the goals, rationale, and often giddy excitement teachers bring to their classes.

Journey Back to Armenia: A Legacy of Discovery and Connection

Sometimes a class project isn’t a class project; it’s the spark that burns for a lifetime.

Baking for a Cause: One Student’s Passion Story

At this point, I’ve made the Hershey’s chocolate cake recipe more times than I can count…

A Trip Out and a Trip In: Student Photo Essay

The last MMS Junior High trip of this year was to Mt. Diablo State Park…

Grit Under Pressure: A Montessorian at Mathletes

Math anxiety was already a hot topic 25 years ago when I was a student…

How to Catch the Spark of Curiosity and Build a Fire: Lessons from Elephant Seals

Early childhood years are all about curiosity…

Why Hands-On Projects Matter: A Student’s Perspective

In an era where almost everything people do is online…

The Healthy Kind of Disconnection: The Odyssey Trip

Teenagers are greatly misunderstood in our culture for a whole host of reasons…

A Fawn, Some Vultures, and Enduring Learning

Dr. Montessori actually had a lot to say about vultures…