Walking Their Own Path

We as parents can help pave the path our children will walk down, but we can’t control the way they maneuver that path. They may barrel down the road or cautiously avoid some of the stones we hoped they would fully embrace. They may decide to not even take our path at all, choosing instead to tromp out into the unknown with no clear destination. Either way, the path ahead offers them endless opportunities to display and reveal their colorful personalities to the world.

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Growing Slowly: The Value of Extending Childhood

In the latest episode of ‘Grounded and Soaring,’ host Terry Dubow invites Marin Montessori School’s Eluna Antle and Carla Rummo to explore the acceleration of adolescence that we see everywhere in our culture and describe how extending childhood with an additional year in a Montessori Elementary class nurtures resilient, curious, and emotionally intelligent young individuals.

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